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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

Understanding The Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Part 2).

Text: 1 Corinthians 12:1-31

Welcome back to the continuation of the series on the gifts of the spirit. In this edition, I will attempt to explain these gifts and how to identify them in operation. It is possible you are already flowing in this higher dimension of Christian living without knowing it. This teaching is to enable you maximize the fullest benefit of your calling in Christ and take advantage of the ignorance of the devil. Let’s begin this journey by looking at the revelation gifts.


WORD OF KNOWLEDGE: The revelation gifts reveal the mind, plans and purposes of God in any given situation. It is an insight into the mind of God by the Spirit of God. The word of knowledge is a word from the Lord about a thing, a situation, an event, etc. Word of knowledge explains the ‘WHAT’ of a matter. It is a word given in revelation of a matter hitherto unknown to the natural mind. This word comes as an auto suggestion, an intuition or a sudden realization which had no prior premeditation or mental preoccupation. This word does not occur to the mind through the natural mental processes; rather it is like a sudden realization or an acquired knowledge without a learning process.

Have you ever had such a sudden awakening or realization which rests a matter which once agitated your mind? Have you ever suddenly found a faint smile on your lips upon a sudden realization of a solution to a debilitating situation? In that case, God through His Spirit has manifested this awesome gift through you without your realization. All you need do right away is to refine it and make it more natural with you. God does not horde these gifts. They are of no use to the inhabitants of heaven. They are given for the profiting of the saints upon the earth. These are part of the tools for our earthly dominion and triumphs over the manipulations from the pit of hell.

WORD OF WISDOM: This is another awesome gift of revelation which explains the ‘HOW’ of a matter. Through this gift, God goes a step beyond the word of knowledge to reveal practical approach to problem solving. This is a process of adding substance to the revealed word.

By this gift, how to deal with any given issue is delivered effortlessly through divine intervention. God is interested in the affairs of man. His involvements with man are to show and enlighten man on how to work the works of God or solve a problem, a riddle, or an enigma. This gift is widely seen in the teaching ministry or counseling departments of churches. Through this gift, men are shown in a thought, words in a situation or words on the pages of relevant or non relevant materials on how to effectively deal with a given issue. This gift is needed desperately in the running of homes, church administrations and organization. Solomon demonstrated this gift when he sat in judgment between two warring parties (See 1st Kings 3:16-27). This gift was also evident in the ministry of Jesus (See John 6:6). It is readily available to anyone who would covet after it.

DISCERNMENT OF SPIRIT: by this gift, you can tell the devil ‘caught ya!’ Ouch!!! Satan hates this gift. The reason is obvious. He loves to operate in stealth. But guess what, you can always discern satanic working, presence or involvement in any given situation by the operation of this gift. Paul discerned a spirit of divination in a lady who gave credence to the gospel he preached (See Acts 16:16-19).

Church leadership and every family head need this gift desperately. This way, leaders are able to discern and disarm satanic opposition and enthrone divine order. Little wonder Jesus referred to Peter as ‘Satan’ when Peter tried to dissuade Him from going to the cross (See Mathew 16:23; Mark 8:33).
Discernment of spirit also discloses the presence and operation of angels. One can tell that God’s angels are all around. Lastly, this gift would often disclose to the beneficiary the thoughts going through another person’s mind when it is necessary. Jesus asked, ‘why do thoughts arise in your hearts…?’ (See Luke 24:38). It is more like reading peoples minds by the Spirit of the Lord. This way, a person is forewarned of impending dangers or plots from opponents or deep seated emotional and spiritual problems in the minds of people around the sphere of their influence.


GIFT OF FAITH: The gift of faith is the operation of faith in the highest dimension. This gift triggers the move of the Spirit for supernatural exploits and creative miracles. This dimension of faith violates all known natural and scientific laws and reasoning at getting things done. It is given to individuals to accelerate their response at receiving from God.

Gospel ministers also are used to demonstrate this gift as a trigger for miracles, Signs and wonders. Perceiving he had faith to be healed, peter said to the lame man, ‘arise, take up your bed and walk’….. (See Acts 14:9-10). The centurion also demonstrated this gift when he asked Jesus to speak the word only and his servant shall be healed (See Matthew 8:8-11). This faith moves mountains and works in consonance with the gifts of miracles and healings. With the power gift, the church can stand as effective witnesses to prove to a dying world that Jesus is Lord. Signs and wonders are cheaply delivered on the pedestal of this gift. It is a must have for gospel witnesses.

GIFT OF MIRACLES: Miracles still happen today. Blind eyes can open, deaf ears unstopped and the lame walk elegantly. Miracles are different from magic in that miracles follow a process and order while magic breaches both. The gifts of miracles demonstrate the power of God in confirmation of the gospel message. Whenever the gospel is preached in truth, God honours his word affirmatively by way of signs and wonders.

This gift was rampant in the ministry of Jesus and the post resurrection ministry of the apostles. It is still available today to demonstrate to the world the Lordship of Jesus.

GIFT OF HEALINGS: The gift of healings is targeted at the curse of infirmity. It is Gods prescription to natural bodily breakdowns and ill-health. Through this gift, the healing of the people from sicknesses and diseases is guaranteed. The process of attaining this laudable feat does not follow any known medical diagnosis or prescription. With this gift in operation, healings just happen.

It is immaterial the causative factors or extent of damage to bodily organs or the nature and circumstances of the disease. What is material is that against all odds, medical science is relegated to the background at the super- imposition of a higher order. This gift is available today.


TONGUES: Speaking in tongues requires the gift of interpretation in order to edify the saints, else the speaker is enjoined to speak to himself and God (See 1st Corinthians 14:28). It involves some form of blabbing which to the natural mind is meaningless.

This blabbing is not learned, but is supernaturally given for the edification of the saint. It’s often a form of message from God in an unintelligible format requiring some decoding. It has been argued by some bible scholars that the gift of tongues is different from the normal speaking in tongues as evidence of baptism with the Holy Spirit. I don’t intend to get into the row but would encourage active participation in the exercise of speaking in tongues (1st Corinthians 14:5a).

INTERPRETATION OF TONGUES: Tongues require interpretation to confer intelligible meaning to the audience and thus bring edification to the body of Christ. Interpretation of tongues is a gift that delivers the meaning of a message spoken in an unknown tongue. (see 1st Corinthians 14:27-28

It is intended for the edification of the saints until we come to full maturity in Christ.

PROPHECY: The gift of prophecy is given to forth tell and foretell the word of God. This is one of the surest ways God gives direction to His body, the Church. This gift unveils the mind of God in a clear unmistaken manner thereby bringing edification, comfort and exhortation to the church (See 1st Corinthians 14:3). It is different from the administrative gift of prophecy, one of the five-fold ministry gifts to the body of Christ. Through the gift of prophecy, we would know the perfect will of God in all given situation. This gift is desirable and highly recommended for individual growth and corporate edification of the body of Christ (1st Corinthians 14:5).

This is not the exhaustive study of the gifts of the Spirit, but it is intended to guide you in your quest for spiritual relevance and productivity. In our concluding part, we shall examine the various ways of accessing these gifts and the various spiritual preparations to undertake in order to be used of God.

Tips: The links in parenthesis are carefully selected areas of life to assist you with tested and proven information on how to handle different issues of life. Clink on those links for access to a wealth of information. Stay on my blog. Thanks for dropping by. Visit again.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Understanding The Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Part 1).

Text: 1 Corinthians 12:1-31

Do you know you can be used of God to affect lives? You exist in a time like this because your relevance to God and humanity is unarguable. God needs you. The fields are ripe for harvest but laborers are in short supply. God has been in search of imperfect folks who are ready to make themselves available for His use. Note that I said imperfect men. Whoever you are and however you are is okay by God as long as you are open to change. Jesus picked imperfect men. Some were chronic doubters; some given to greed; a few others were prone to violence and others plagued with competitive spirit. He asked them to follow Him with a solemn promise of MAKING them who they really were designed to be in God’s original plans for their lives.

I don’t know who you are, but I do know for sure that I have a word from the Lord which could turn your life, family and ministry around on this blog page. I have dedicated it to sharing the timeless truth of God’s word as they are delivered to me in my private communion with the Holy Spirit. I see you being transformed into the image of the only true God and Jesus whom He had sent.

Productivity in Christian service lies in grace and a clear understanding of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Jesus demonstrated on earth what he saw his father do. In His ministry, there was no room for failure or unproductiveness because God has got formulas which He operated while on earth. These formulas I prefer to refer to as principles. Strict adherence to these principles has never been known to fail. In this teaching, I intend to show you how to be used of God in the demonstration of the gifts of the Holy Ghost. These gifts are highlighted in our text above and the guidelines for their operation are also given.

People are used of God in proportion to the level of grace, revelation of the Word and faith given by the Lord. In Christian service, no man can function above the level of grace given by God and faith cultivated through the study of the Word. Men are admonished to function in the capacity and dimension of grace and faith given (See Romans 12:3-6). The Apostles saw the great move of the Spirit because Great grace was given to them (see Acts 4:33). It follows therefore that grace is an indispensable tool for Christian service. An understanding of grace is an added advantage to effortless accomplishments in Kingdom service. To this effect, men who understand this excel in their service to God while those who don’t struggle and often are unproductive. What is the role of grace in the demonstration of the gifts of the Holy Spirit?


The grace of God which brings salvation has been made available to ALL men (See Titus 2:11). No man is excluded from this package. The offer is open to all. It is however beneficial only to those who tap into it. The Law was given by Moses but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ (See John 1:16). Grace ushered in salvation, for by grace we were saved (See Ephesians 2:8). Salvation in this sense means the full redemptive package of Christ. It is an all-inclusive word which embraces healing for the sick, deliverance for the oppressed, liberation from the dominion of sin, financial flourishing, mental creativity, productivity and empowerment, and the exercise of total dominion over satanic manipulations and control. Salvation is a product of grace.

Grace is unmerited, unqualified, and undeserving favor from God. It is demonstrated when God gives to men what they are not qualified by any known natural standard to receive. The only basis for such endowment from God to men is Christ and the price already paid on the cross. Grace is cheaply given on the pedestal of humility (See James 4:6; 1st Peter 5:5), and is multiplied through the knowledge of God (See 2nd Peter 1:2). It therefore follows that men who demonstrate humility and who ardently seek for the revelation knowledge of God never run short of the supply of grace. The measure available to any individual is commensurate to the level of humility one walks in, the extent of revelation knowledge available to a person, the exercise of faith in God and His Word and the specific calling or assignment from God. I have dwelt extensively on grace because of its connection to the gifts of the SPIRIT.


The gifts of the spirit are diverse and given for the maximum profiting of the saints (See 1st Corinthians 12:7). The nine gifts itemized in verses 8-10 of our text are not exhaustive. These by no means aren’t all there is. More mention is made of other ministerial and administrative gifts for the establishment and enthronement of divine order and smooth running of God’s kingdom among men (See Romans 12:6-8, Ephesians 4:11, 12).

We began by examining the relevance of grace to the working of the Holy Ghost. The reason is this: the word ‘gift’ is translated ‘charisma’ in Greek and is a derivative of ‘charis’ which means grace. The suffix ‘ma’ written after charis depicts the products or result of grace in man. Every man in Christ is qualified to be used of God. When we truly surrender and make ourselves available to the Lord, He would use us to do His Work on earth. The manifestation of the Holy Spirit in confirmation of the gospel is by way of these gifts listed below.

For the purpose of this study, we shall limit ourselves to the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit. These gifts are grouped under the following headings:

Revelation gifts
1. Word of knowledge
2. Word of Wisdom
3. Discernment of spirit

Power gifts
1. Faith
2. Healings
3. The working of miracles

Gifts of utterance
1. Tongues
2. Interpretation of Tongues
3. Prophecy

Each of these gifts shall be discussed in subsequent edition on this blog page. However we need to lay a foundation for this teaching. Firstly, the gifts of the Spirit are for everyone (See 1st Corinthians 12:7). Secondly, these gifts are for individual profiting (See 1st Corinthians 12:7). Thirdly, these gifts are made manifest as the spirit wills (See 1st Corinthians 12:4, 10). Lastly, these gifts can be coveted after (See 1st Corinthians 12:31)

We will proceed in this studies a few days time. Meanwhile click on these links to read more on the subject matter under review in preparation for the continuation of this teaching.

More on the gifts of the Holy Spirit

I will be very pleased to answer your questions and proffer solutions to individual problems. You can write me using the email link provided and I will get back to you within the nearest possible time. Invite family and friend to benefit from the teaching of God’s word. God bless you!